Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Mondays at 8 p.m. in Trinity Lutheran Church in Watertown. Wednesdays at 8 p.m. in Watertown Community Center (city hall).
Bits and Spurs
Family-oriented saddle club meets the third Tuesday of each month at Franklin Twp. Hall during the winter and at the Bit and Spurs ring during the summer. New members welcome. For more information, call Lorie at (763) 972-2731.
Friends for Life Food Shelf
City Hall building at 309 Lewis Ave. S. Enter on south side of building. Mondays 6-8 p.m.; Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m.-Noon, Call (952) 955-1980. Appointments are necessary.
Hollywood Booster Club
Meets every second Thursday of the month at 8:10 p.m. at 3395 Co. Rd. 21, Mayer. Donation requests or information: call (952) 955-8888 and leave message or call Gary Johnson at (952) 353-2491.
Luce Line Trail Assn.
Meets quarterly at 7:30 p.m. Call Margaret Davis (952) 955-2226.
Mayer-Watertown DandyLions (women’s Lions club)
Meets third Tuesday of the month at B’s on the River at 6:30 p.m.. Call Deb Koehnen at (952) 955-3079
Tri-County Riders of Watertown Saddle Club
Meets 7 p.m. at the Carver County Extension Office in Waconia on second Wednesday of month during winter and second Thursdays of month at arena during spring/summer months. Contact President Sandy Strube at (952) 657-2317.
Watertown American Legion
Meets at 7 p.m. third Tuesday at Community Center. Contact Glenn Pysick at (952) 955-2651.
Watertown American Legion Auxiliary
Meets at 7 p.m. first Monday at City Hall. Contact Linda Reinert at (952) 955-3210.
Watertown Area Historical Society
Meets first Thursday of most months, 1:00 pm at the Watertown Community
Center, 309 Lewis Ave. S. Contact the President at
Watertown Boy Scouts
Troop 209 meets at 7 p.m. every Monday at Community Center. Contact Roger Hawkinson at (952) 472-7859 or Deb Templeman at (952) 657-2400.
Watertown Area Chamber of Commerce
Meets at noon on third Wednesday. Contact Evonne Dennis at or voice message at (952) 955-5175.
Watertown Cub Scouts
Pack 209 meets third Thursday at Watertown-Mayer High School lunchroom. Contact Larry Greenwald at (952) 472-5091.
Watertown Dinner at Your Door
At noon Monday through Friday except holidays. Contact Denise Heille at (952) 955-2691.
Watertown Fine Arts Committee
Contact Mary Lou Jirik at (952) 955-2445 for more information.
Watertown Girl Scouts
Each troop meets twice each month. Contact Ruth Bury at (952) 955-2836.
Watertown Lions Club
Meets at 7 p.m. first Tuesday. Call Steve Boerner at (952) 955-3702.
Watertown-Mayer Royal Booster Club
Meets monthly on the second Sunday at 7 p.m. in the board room of W-M Middle School.
Watertown New Horizons 4-H
Meets at 7:30 p.m. second Sunday at Watertown-Mayer High School Media Center. Contact Russ Runck at (952) 955-2879, Amy Schmidt at (952) 442-8706 or Audrey Schmidt at (952) 955-2659.
Watertown Rod & Gun Club
On Carver Co. Rd. 122, one mile west of Highway 25. Contact Tom Radde (952) 446-1471 or Gary Kubasch at (952) 353-2152.
Watertown Senior Citizens
Meet every Tuesday at Community Center at 1 p.m. Contact Bernett Jopp at (952) 353-2432.
Watertown Senior Dining
For persons 60 or older at noon. Monday through Friday at Elim. Call (952) 955-3793 for reservations one day in advance.
Watertown Willing Workers 4-H Club
Meets second Monday of month at Watertown Community Center. Contact Jeanette LeDoux at (952) 472-7859, Deb Koehnen at (952) 955-3079 or Deb Kennedy at (952) 955-1882.
“Winds of Watertown”
is Watertowns’ local Concert Band. For more information on being a band member contact Peter Jacobson at Community Ed at 952-955-0208.
Government units
Watertown City Council
Meets at 6:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesday at city hall. Contact city office at (952) 955-2681 or see web site.
Watertown Economic Development Authority
Meets second Monday at 7 p.m. at city hall. Call city hall at (952) 955-2681.
Watertown Fire Department
Contact Fire Chief Ned Schroeder at the fire station at (952) 955-1135.
Watertown Fire Dept. Auxiliary
Call Watertown Fire Dept. at (952) 955-1135 and leave message for Wendy Schroeder.
Watertown Fire Advisory Board
Meets quarterly at city hall. Call (952) 955-2681.
Watertown Library
Call 955-2939. Open Mon and Wed 1-8, Tues and Fri 12-5, Thurs 1-5, Sat 9-1 (Closed Saturdays during summer months. Also closed Sundays.) See web site.
Watertown Park and Rec
Meets at 6:30 p.m. second Thursday at city hall. Contact city hall at (952) 955-2681.
Watertown Planning Commission
Meets at 7 p.m. third Thursday at city hall. Contact city hall at (952) 955-2681.
Watertown-Mayer School Board
Meets at 7 p.m. third Monday in board room in Watertown-Mayer Middle School. Contact school district at (952) 955-0200, or see web site.
Hollywood Township
Regular meetings are at 8 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the township hall at 15855 Co. Rd. 122. Call (952) 955-3630.
Watertown Township
Regular meetings at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of each month unless there is a legal holiday, then the meeting is the next day (Tuesday). Meetings held at township hall at 3580 Co. Rd. 10 N. Call (952) 955-2446.